There’s Voo Doo Going On in Shangri-la

Merle the Squirrel has been quiet lately. He has made appearances down in Pearl Bailey’s Shangri-La but no taunting has been displayed. Perhaps this is why Pearl Bailey stayed so clean for so long, she didn’t feel it necessary to don a disguise!

This morning Merle made an appearance. It was eerily silent down in Pearl Bailey’s mystical, harmonious garden so I decided I better take a look. I found Pearl Bailey and her cohort, Ella, transfixed under a palm gazing up at none other than Merle the Squirrel (who can be seen in the far upper right corner of the photograph in silhouette). But what has Merle brought with him? What is that strange orb and why are my girls so still instead of being shrieking banshees?

I think Merle has returned with some sort of voodoo sorcery in an effort to cast a spell over his nemisis Pearl Bailey (and I guess Ella is just collateral damage). Anyhoo, my girls sat transfixed and staring as if under a spell for the good part of five minutes. Whatever witchery or black magic that Merle has brought with him this fine morning, I am ok with since there is no incessant barking involved in the wee hours of the morning!

And, anytime there is no barking, the Professor is eerily subdued too, which means no bellowing from the bedroom upstairs. All in all, this hocus-pocus is welcomed as I go about my start of a beautiful morning in paradise!

Happy Friday readers!