The High Line – Part Four Last in the Series-Seeing the Small Details

This is the last in my series written about my experience in walking The High Line, New York’s famed pedestrian walking park.

I have already shared much about this glorious adventure, so we are just down to the snippet sightings that I haven’t written about but that I feel are worth sharing.

The first image is the word LOVE spelled in English in large stack letters. I, of course, truly embraced the message this piece of art envoked for I believe more love is what our world sorely needs. Now that being said, directly behind the message in English, LOVE is also written, but this time in Hebrew. I was very moved by this display as I think it speaks volumes about unity and tolerance. Also, not seen in the photo but still apart of the same scene, and just as worthy to mention, was the same message, LOVE, this time spelled out in Spanish. No matter the language – the message is the same, and I thank these wonderful artists for conveying it to me and all the others who take this walk.

The second photo brought forth a belly laugh. It is a huge statue of Trump, dressed in a jailhouse jumpsuit and bound in chains. He is standing at a railing overlooking the City. No matter your party affiliation, the statement that this New York apartment owner is making will certainly make you chuckle, if nothing else. Divisive behavior delivers that type of reaction.

The last photo is the top of a tall building – its message simply says 1 Woman. There is much contemplation I feel in seeing this and I could probably go-on for days with my musings, but I think it is best that I leave the ponderings to you, the reader. I WILL leave you with this, however – One Woman – yep One Woman is all it takes.

I hope that you all will digest this post in the spirit it was offered. I loved being offered the opportunity to walk The High Line and discover these wonderful works of art and human statements. It will surely go down as one of my most favorite memories of New York (and believe me, I have many!)

Happy Saturday.