Moving Forward

I am a forward thinking person, I keep my eye on the future and try never to dwell or revisit what is past. Simply put, reverse is not an option for me, yet given the news delivered each morning now a days, I want to backpedal as fast as I can.

During this crisis, I am learning; learning to find calm within myself, learning how to be more thoughtful and giving of my time, and realizing the need to be more empathetic to all instead of a selected few. I have always loved and treasured my solitude, I am drawn that way. Out of necessity, however, I am learning to trend outward rather than inward – for the betterment of my neighbor – for the betterment of humanity.

There is sweetness in finding and visiting with these attributes. I have spent many hours of each sequestered day in playing music, both in writing new songs, and in listening to inspiring songs during my quiet time. I have come to realize how much better the world is when music plays.

I am now longing for a future time when this plague is far behind us; a time when our energy will shift back into ‘doing’ rather than ‘asking’. I want to go back to my mindset of surging into what is in front of me, not what is behind. I long for the time when I never have to see that weird ‘pincushion’ looking pathogen every time I turn on the TV screen. I guess I am just a dreamer, but as Sister Golden Hair says, ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’.

Wise words if I ever heard ’em.

The power of music is undeniable. I think it can change the world.

Graham Nash