Day By Day

Is this shut-down of life meant to bring ‘light’ to the world? I have been pondering this thought a lot lately, as I am sure all of you are as well. Has this time been set aside to restore hope, faith and compassion to the world at large? After all, the Vernal Equinox is a season, which can be found in all the world’s calendars, that supports and advocates rebirth and renewal.

Is this global stop to our hurried activities God’s love letter to the world? Perhaps, it is His letter of instruction to all of us to return our spirits to a place of being teachable. The life-track that the world was on leading up to this pandemic seems even more divisive now that we are in the thick of quietude. Had we, as a population, lost sight of the idea that we are all connected? I believe this extra time may have been provided to us as a profound reminder of what is important.

Faith is not just about religion. It is a more a realization that there is something mighty powerful that is found within you and can be called on at any time if you need it. Hope is not just a foreign thought hung out on a clothes line to dry. It is an optimistic state of mind meant to fill our heart with the sweet desire of anticipation. And Compassion, it is not about just one act of caring for one day, it is about cultivating caring for a lifetime – a desire to demonstrate concern for another’s suffering without considering any misfortune we may have in comparison.

In order to spread love and compassion in the world, we must go out of our way to reach physical, mental and emotional pain in others. And by doing so, we help address the emotional feelings missing within ourselves. In other words – you have to give love to get love.

I am so uplifted by what I am seeing all across the world, especially in the young people. Our younger generation is turning to creative solutions to fill their now vacant hours. Where their lives were once scheduled to the hilt with lessons and activities – these fledging souls are now filling the hours with pursuits to hone their keen intellect and fill their hopeful hearts. And, the parents of these fine children are being brought back to the family dinner table which enhances and fosters the change that is coming.

Day by day, I am moving to the new rhythm we are being gifted. I am hopeful that when this whole crisis is over, we will have found within the quiet hours a new and better way of living together. Now, wouldn’t that be something?