Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You!

‘Be so good they can’t ignore you!’ I heard that last night as I was walking through the living room on my way to the kitchen. I had been upstairs on my own, and even though removed from what was going on downstairs, I still heard plenty of hoops and hollering as the Professor’s team was clinching a playoff position. Although the quip I heard was first said by comic Steve Martin and repeated last night about a team’s magnificent win, it inspired me greatly. I let it ring around in my head for hours imagining how I could expand and use it to propel my efforts.

Here’s what I came up with: if I were to focus my endeavors to ‘do good things’ in a more constant full-court press manner, how could I not be effective? In other words, if I maintained a sunshine-y disposition; remembering to speak sweetly every time I am called on, and not be dissuaded from the goal of spreading happiness – all of these efforts would be impossible for others to brush aside.

And, if my good thoughts, good words and good deeds are constant, just by their consistency the ‘goodness’ would be contagious and so on and so on…

So, go on out there today and ‘Be so good, THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU!’ And remember, don’t get side-tracked and don’t let up!

Let’s see what happens!