The strings of my heart sing when the temperatures outside get warmer. Spring comes earlier when you live on a Florida island. And, when they arrive my happiness factor increases exponentially!
There is magic in new beginnings; like a field of flowers and how it can brighten any mood. Or when a shoulder is warmed by the sunshine, it is certain to relax any taut or tired muscle.
I find a smile creeps onto my face whenever I place a spring flower in my hair. It ritualistic, sure, but it is more than that it symbolizes love, gratitude, and admiration for a season where fresh ideas and new joys are being born. It is a youthful symbol of vim and vigor.
So, when Spring arrives in your latitude this year remember…when the wind of change blows in let it carry you because in that wind’s movement that is where you will find your true direction.
Faith isn’t just about religion; it is about holding a confident belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Most of us practice faith every day without even realizing it. For example – when you practice forgiveness – there is faith in that; when you place your trust in someone – faith is found there as well.
Faith is more than a word, it is a feeling; a physical sensation that is always there if you need it. It is easy to forget that we are all connected in this life. And, through that connection you can find the true meaning of having faith. If we consider that we are all brothers and sisters and we extend our hands in times of calm and in times of need, we will reap a strong and abiding faith for ourselves. Simple things are often profound reminders of what is important. Joel Osteen has written “…if you want success; if you want wisdom; if you want to be prosperous & healthy, you have to do more than just meditate and believe. You must boldly declare your words of faith and victory.” This is a clear message that in order to live life with an enriched faith, we must take action.Speak it out loud, folks!
More and more, I am being channeled to deliver clear and concise messages to those around me. I do not take this work lightly, but I do find that in following through in delivering the messages I am receiving, in turn I am realizing a deeper faith in my own life. I am still far from being what I hope to become, but I believe that I am on the right path and I will succeed without question.
“Be Faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
This week has been chocked full. Despite the harried pace and stress, it ended with me feeling enriched as I had dedicated some time each day in the service of others.
This is an important part of the work I do to spread kindness and better my humanity. I greatly believe that by doing this important work, I will inspire others to find time to do the same. Each small contribution you make towards making another person comfortable, bettering a situation or investing in the future results in an abundance of good coming your way.
In the few hours I did have to spare this week, I decided to use them wisely by dedicating them to a friend in need. My unexpected reward was a brilliant return of my love back to me. Intangible as that seems the feeling of calm and serenity that followed was astounding. My dear friend, a beautiful soul, is now on her way to a week’s long vacation. There were many obstacles in getting her to the point of actual departure, but we held tight and got past every one. Now, she is beginning her adventure with a song in her heart. That’s the way it is with sisterhood, you just hold hands and run like hell to the finish line!
I hope this week has been fulfilling to you, too. Pearl Bailey sends a nonchalant grin out to all her fans. She has been beautified to the gills as Sissy is in town for a visit. Let’s see how long her clean pelt lasts. I am on a high myself with a house full of genuine love and a feeling of do-good in my heart. And that folks, is a very good place to be!
I think about you all the time. You have always responded to these thoughts with thoughts of your own.
On my morning walks, you meet me with soft lapping waves and a wondrous backdrop for meditative thoughts. On a hot island afternoon, your sun warms my shoulders and delivers manatees that float by my side nudging me to thoughts of the greatness of God. And, in the evening, you hand over a mango-drenched sky suspended above grey granite waters, and the music of the squawking seabirds seeking their last meal for the day.
How can I not love you? How can I not think of you all the time,
High above in the tree tops, this Great Blue Heron sits watching the sea – his stance is the epitome of Hope. Nature’s creatures are all spurned on by hope. It is one of the attributes that all of us earth inhabitants share, and share well.
By all definitions, hope is the feeling of expectation for a positive outcome. Why is it so important? Our dreams are fed on hope; an optimistic state of mind holds a light within us. When things in life go out of order, we rely upon hope to propel us.
Hope in the English language is an abstract thought tied to wishing or longing. The Hebrew word for hope “tikvah” holds a different connotation, it is more of a concrete thought like being bound by a cord or a rope – in other words something real enough to cling to.
At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, President Obama spoke beautifully about hope. He said, “…hope in the face of difficulty; hope in the face of uncertainty – that is the audacity of hope…”. That is a powerful statement that we, no matter our creed, can use to keep the spark of hope alive and working for us.
I think as modern day humans we need to think of hope in a more eternal perspective – one that reminds us that this life we know now will end, and the new life we are promised will await us. Maintaining hope for good in this life gives us even more reason to have hope for all of eternity.
Ella Fitzgerald turns five years old today! She gets little press because honestly Pearl Bailey gives enough fodder all on her own! Although, Ella is my little “Harry Barker” she is, simply put, a heavenly dog. The day she chose me and I chose her back was a fortunate day indeed. She brings a sense of peace to me, her sweetness and cuddle-bug persona, oh…and the way she adores the Professor, well that just shoots right to my heart.
Now, her sister on the other hand has completely exasperated me this week. I am not kidding when I tell you I have had to wash her face EVERY DAY for the past ten days. Every day she arrives at the sliding glass door with a mask of muddy dirt caked on her beautiful face and torso. I am not sure what drives this behavior or why she chooses to perpetuate it, but I am at my wits end.
Before her face wash – another towel for the laundry.After her face wash – what a mess.
I have scheduled the carpet cleaners, the housekeepers and the dog groomer for this coming week. I am serious, if this dame doesn’t toe the line this time, her fate may be sealed. I mean you’re cute, Pearl Bailey, but not that cute! I am watching you!
George Washington, our nation’s first President, had no formal education and yet rose in the ranks to become a leader of our nation. Also, he did not chop down the Cherry Tree as the myth told to school children says he did. It’s funny how stories are made and told through generations that actually have no basis or facts behind them.
Like me, George was an avid letter writer. The impassioned letters he penned led to opening the doors and minds of his fellow statesmen. He even wrote letters to his best friend’s wife professing his admiration of her. This, of course, was BM (before Martha) and also, as ardent as the letters were, his esteem for the gal was never acted upon.
George was born in 1732 in Pope’s Creek, Virginia not Mount Vernon. I am very familiar with Pope’s Creek, although my childhood memories of that place involve eating crabs, running down the wharfs, and adults playing music and dancing in the hall from the Maryland side of the river.
President Washington was an excellent dancer. This quality served him well during his two terms as President when his social engagements were many. But one of the most interesting little-known facts about the Father of Our Nation that I found was his embracement of the fundamental that religion practice was a basic right of all natural citizens.
In 1790, George Washington wrote to the Hebrew Congregations of Philadelphia and Rhode Island standing in strong favor of religious freedom. He said “…May the children of the stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants…”
George Washington was a gentleman with a deep, and seemingly flawless, character. And, he was one cool cat to boot! I would have liked to share a dance with him.
Thomas Jefferson Was A Renaissance Guy
In addition to serving two terms as President of the United States from 1801 to 1809, Thomas Jefferson was a man of many faces. Did you know that he was an archaeologist as well as an architect? Known as being a fun, humorous and endlessly curious man, Jefferson accomplished much in his lifetime. From the many biographies written about him, he is listed as being one of the most interesting men in American History.
I was taken by the number of similarities that I share with Thomas. Take for example – he was a wine aficionado. His enthusiasm and love for French wines was legendary. Those who know me understand that IF I am going to consume wine it better be French.
Another thing Jefferson and I have in common is he was obsessed with books. His personal collection was said to have held over 6,500 volumes. So vast was that collection that he donated most to the Library of Congress after the library was invaded by the British in 1814.
And, Thomas was a ‘foodie’ – yes a foodie, just like me. He served a term as a foreign service officer to France. While living in France during his term as US Minister, he cultivated his very discerning palate by studying French cuisine. Like a true Francophile, he brought many French recipes back to the States when he returned.
I loved finding out that Jefferson, our founding father and writer of the Declaration of Independence, was also a devout believer that a person’s religion was between them and their God. This stand led him to be known as having an ‘Enlightenment-Era sense of reason’. He is credited with the ideal that there should be separation between Church and State.
All in all, old TJ was pretty groovy guy and one I think I would have been attracted to had I lived back then. I loved that he had a great sense of humor, stood firm in his beliefs and tried to better humanity by his actions and writing. I relate and love that he adored all things French. In fact, had I lived back then I would have whole-heartedly enjoyed sharing a glass of Sancerre with this interesting fellow. I am sure we would have had a lot to talk about!
Theodore Roosevelt Was A Rough Rider
Teddy, as he was affectionately called, was a Rough Rider. That is not a reference to his stance in a saddle; it is a term that was assigned to the group that then Colonel Roosevelt lead in battle over San Juan Hill, Cuba. If you have ever watched any episodes of Blue Bloods, you would probably be aware that Commissioner Frank Regan was a big fan. After reading and refreshing my memory of this historic figure, so am I.
Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family. He grew to be a very dynamic and learned man mostly attributed to his photographic memory. He is also known as our most prolific and literate President to date. He is said to have read up to three books a day, penned 35 books and wrote over 150,000 letters in his day. Theodore Roosevelt was also a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
When Teddy was a young politician, he lost both his wife and his mother to disease on the same day. These deaths rocked his world so greatly that Theodore retreated from politics, headed out west to spend a few years as a cowboy working on a ranch.
Perhaps, it was during these years out west that President Roosevelt found his passion as a naturalist. After he returned from his respite and re-entered politics, he created the US Forest Service hence protecting 230 million acres of public land. Whenever you visit a National Park – stop and give a hearty thanks to Teddy as it was his vision that made these Parks possible for all of us and our children’s children to enjoy.
During his presidency, Theodore continued to practice his boyhood hobby of boxing almost daily. During one of these spars, Teddy was blinded in one eye from a detached retina. After that, the President gave up boxing but turned to Jiu-Jitsu instead.
Also, during his presidency, it was widely known that the President enjoyed an early morning dip in the icy waters of the Potomac River. And, although we might think of early 20th-century America as a somewhat prudish place, the president had no hesitation in swimming buck naked.
This rough riding president also survived an assassination attempt taking a bullet during a campaign speech. True to his gritty personality, Teddy addressed the audience, finished his speech and then retreated to the hospital where it was determined that there was a bullet lodged in his rib. That bullet remained in his bone for the rest of his years!
When we hear the adage, ‘Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick’, we think of this tough old coot of a man. Roosevelt was a cowboy, soldier, explorer, hunter, environmentalist, family man and President of the United States. I have always appreciated a well-rounded man!
Read the below excerpt from a 1908 speech where Roosevelt expressed the importance of preserving the environment. How incredible is it that our environment is suffering so severely now – 112 years later!
“But the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil and the gas are exhausted, when the soils have been still further impoverished and washed into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding the fields, and obstructing navigation. These questions do not relate only to the next century or to the next generation. It is time for us now as a nation to exercise the same reasonable foresight in dealing with our great natural resources that would be shown by any prudent man in conserving and widely using the property which contains the assurance of well-being for himself and his children.”
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
Don’t Call Me Abe-The Great Emancipator
Outside of the well-publicized and written about accomplishments of our 16th President of the United States including the Gettysburg Address, his opposition to slavery, and then his tragic assassination, I found there was much more to the man than what we learned in school.
President Lincoln, who was said to vehemently dislike being called by the name Abe, had very little formal education. Despite his formal schooling amounting to about 18 months, Lincoln demonstrated himself as an ardent ‘student of life’. Self-taught and self-motivated, much like today’s home schooled children; Lincoln was an avid reader and excelled in many subjects. Embracing the Law as his field of study, Lincoln passed the bar and began practicing law at the age of 28 having never attended law school.
President Lincoln was the only president to hold a patent. His invention was for a device to be used to free steamboats that ran aground. Lincoln was also a gifted story-teller, and about that stovepipe hat he favored…he used to store letters, notes and documents in there!
Our President Lincoln also holds honors in the Wrestling Hall of Fame. His 6′ 4″ height gave him an advantage apparently as his record still stands as 300 matches with only 1 defeat. I wonder if the fact that he liked to talk smack in the ring made him such a formidable opponent!
Abraham Lincoln was a very advanced thinker. He championed and rallied for Women’s Voting Rights years before suffrage was fashionable. To learn about Christianity, he read the bible. Even though he considered himself a Christian, he never attended any established organized church.
President Lincoln cemented his place in history by demonstrating a persona of determination and perseverance . He was not a stranger to failure; he had failures in business as well as politics, and he lost his first presidential bid. Throughout his life, Lincoln suffered from depression while he lost and fought on various issues. However, Lincoln never gave up on a cause which is probably the very attribute that was responsible for presenting the American people with so much social change. He is probably our most famous President to date.
I liked this quote I found; it says a lot. I hope you like it, too.
I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness and exactly how you go about finding it. I think there is a need for more happiness in the world. There are already so many struggles we go through on the highway of life, is finding happiness just another thing to grapple with or is it already there for the taking and you just have to unearth it?
We have all experienced happy days – days spent unplugged on the beach or in the company of people who warm us just by their presence. Is that enough? I say, “No”. I believe that in order to achieve locating and keeping happiness in your life, you have to plant it in your own soul.
You can begin by finding pleasure in everything you do – even the mundane. Start the morning with an intentional decision to choose happiness. Once you practice facing each new day with this attitude, your whole perspective will change. A meaningful morning routine will empower you. Turn away from an alarm clock and turn instead to a morning rhythm where you wake and meet the day on your terms.
Next, teach your soul new things. Learn. The act of discovery plants a positive notion in your psyche and expands the feeling of wonder within us.
Don’t forget to carry a smile with you as you go about the day. My mother taught me a wonderful trick that I have practiced every day of my life and will never forget. She told me, “After you have completed your morning toiletry, have combed your hair and readied your face for the day, look into the mirror and SMILE. Tell yourself that you are BEAUTIFUL, then do not look into a mirror the remainder of the day, instead carry that feeling of perfection with you.” Mama told me this not because she was all Zen back then, but because she wanted to build confidence in her daughters, and it worked!
Do you count your blessings? I mean, really count them 1-2-3? Being grateful is an easy thing to speak of – but the application of an appreciative feeling is something you need to set your mind to by focusing on the positive aspects of life. Happy people choose to express the positive aspects of life rather than the negative.
Affirmations are powerful. Don’t forget to make them part of your morning routine. Beginning the day with thoughts of ‘I am.. I can… I shall” are all actions that are meant to propel a soul to a better outlook. Remember, keep your affirmation based in truth, and select them so they address your current needs. Be specific.
Hold your tongue. That’s a big one. You will find humility in keeping criticism to yourself instead of lashing out. The next time you want to voice a verbal complaint towards a person, don’t. Choose the feeling of joy and peace in your heart instead.
Every single one of us was given natural talents, strengths, and abilities. When we allow our given talents to direct us, we feel alive and comfortable in our skin. Some of us are lucky enough to use our talents in the work we do, but if your career or life’s work does not foster this feeling, by all means seek it outside of your 9 to 5. It is essential to connect with our God-given talents in order to find happiness.
Connect to your soul by finding the quiet. A mental meditation several times a day will keep you aligned and moving in the direction of spreading your happiness to others.
Any finally, know that navigating life without angst is not a cake-walk, it takes practice. Pain exists and there is no escape from it. Remind yourself that there is good in everything no matter how bleak things look at present. Search deep to find the meaning in that which is paining you. Maybe… just maybe by connecting with the pain and dispelling it, you will be able to offer comfort to others in their pain.
I am excited to have you join me in finding and spreading happiness. If both you and I begin today by following the above tenet, the happiness we plant will grow to two more who will foster two more after that!
I want to share a beautiful story and one that stands as proof that there is, indeed, truth to the creed that I write about. Everything you are about to read really happened and is written exactly as it occurred.
I have a friend, a beautiful soul, who has been in deep despair. Despair is a hard and difficult cross to bear no matter where it comes from. My friend’s despair, which had another origin, was furthered fueled by excruciating pain resultant from a fall on concrete that she recently took. I was awakened to her plight and invested many hours in reaching for guidance in an effort to help lift this soul back up to an enlightened state. When I tell you I felt inadequate in dealing with this type of despondency, I am not exaggerating . Yet, despite my feeling unqualified, I felt like I was being called upon to lift this soul.
I put on a full-court press in calling to the Divine One. I asked for my friend to be able to ‘receive abundance’ in every sort of way. My prayer plead was such that I requested she benefit by knowing her value, beauty and worthiness without question. I reached out to her many times a day to deliver the uplifting messages I was requesting on her behalf. And, truthfully I wasn’t sure if I was getting the messages through, yet I persevered .
The doctor was finally able to see my friend today. There were many worries on her mind concerning the logistics in getting to doctor as my friend is alone. Together we approached each fear – from a parking space close by to the long walk down the corridor in the building. My friend also had a sense of hopelessness that this doctor would even be able to help in easing her agonizing and unbearable pain. I asked the Almighty to lift these fears she had, and then trusted that we would be delivered whatever was needed. Here’s what happened…
Upon arriving at the doctor – the parking lot was full with the exception of one spot which was in very close proximity to the door making the walk a short one. Next, my friend’s pain lifted as if by miracle (no pun intended), and she made her way down the corridor uneventful. Then, waiting in line to sign-in, my friend felt a brush over her arm and turned to look into the eyes of the person behind her in line who was a very relatable soul – a gentleman with a beatific smile and a soft voice. She said, as they conversed a feeling of comfort fell over her. Each sentence of conversation they exchanged seemed to highlight the connection being established between them. After several minutes of exchange, her place in line became available, and as she turned her attention to the receptionist this kind man reached down and squeezed her arm and said “Everything is going to turn out fine.” (hmmm…touched by an angel?) Moments later, after my friend signed-in she turned back to thank the man and he was gone. Nowhere in sight. Vanished in 10 seconds or less. How could that be – the waiting room was jammed full – and to make it through the crowd and reach the door in record time? Is that even possible? For an angel it is.
But wait, the story is not over. When my friend went into the doctor’s inner office to wait to see the physician her fears and anxiety of hopelessness returned. Next up, the kind doctor appeared and began his exam. He listened intently as my friend described the idiopathic yet piercing pain she was experiencing. Nodding, the doctor said to her, I know what you have – it is a ruptured medial [something or other] and proceeded to describe the pain, its path and its intensity in perfect manner. My friend was dumbstruck. ‘How do you know’, she asked and the sagely doctor responded ‘I know because I have had the exact same condition even though mine did not result from a fall but from being a life-long runner.’ Don’t worry, I fixed mine and I will fix yours.’ And, just like that the spirit of my friend, this beautiful soul, was lifted from deep, deep despair to exalted triumphant joy.
I am glad my friend is a believer. Now, more than ever. And for me? The validation of knowing my prayers were being delivered and at just the right time leaves me with such exhilaration and glee that I can hardly contain myself!
And, that folks, is what I have been talking about!!
“Listen to your intuition” – I began hearing that mantra from the age of 6 years old on. It was not an unreasonable request, my mother was a very intuitive soul and her innate insights served her well throughout her life.
It is not a trait or practice that I learned well, I was always in a hurry. Becoming intuitive takes practice, and time. You have to quiet your mind and settle, and listen to the message that is in the silence. It wasn’t until my mind was more mature that I was able to master this observance. Now, that silver has frosted the locks on my head, I am able to hear the quietude while in repose. I like the missives I am receiving. It’s like receiving a telegram from the Divine!
This morning, I received the message to turn my head to someone in need. The early hours of the day are important to me. I need to sit with my ideas and a warm beverage and ease into what may lay in wait. Sometimes I scour the news in an effort to increase my awareness. Finding the quiet is an important practice for any soul to be able to establish a feeling of calm and steady before ‘hitting the pavement’ so to speak. This is the kind of ritual that helps me to harness my approach to the rest of the day. It is in these moments that I take for myself where I create and give rise to the bettering of my humanity. In other words, I feed myself so that I can replenish and feed others. Take for example, I might ask for a strengthening of my communication skills in listening to a friend. Or I might ask for more patience and wisdom so that I deliver more loving words. I think in that morning hour, I am able to discover who and what I need to be for that day. This is an astonishing realization!
Each morning I discover that I am perfectly imperfect, but I also find that I am powerful. I seek each day to be the one that changes the luck of those I encounter just by my presence around them!