The best thing about being a sister is having a sister or brother. Being one in a series; together a pack with a pecking order and each holding a distinctive role. Having someone in life that shares your experiences and common character traits is transforming, even if later in life geographical distance punctuates the relationship.
Being an only child is interesting; they are a unique combination of independence and dependence that you don’t normally encounter in the traits of siblings. Yet, these children still form the bonds that siblings experience but with cousins or close family members that share their world.
Sometimes as we mature the sibling relationship becomes strained or even dislocated. These are unlucky relationships and are probably due to history or rivalry or the like. If this occurs it’s best to protect one’s life and sanity as sad as that is.
Keeping or maintaining a consistent communication as we mature is key to bettering the deep connection that only the siblings share. I know that by having a sister I have learned how to love and respect other women, and from having an older brother I learned how to expect to be treated by a man. Consider the value of having and nourishing a sibling relationship when you are self-reflecting on this Friday, the end of another work week!
PS. I wish I could tell you the Florida sun was shining down here, but alas it is STILL raining!
Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at …………….. -Maya Angelou