Taking It In While They Can…

Well lookey here…Pearl Bailey and her cohort Ella found a ray of sunshine and decided to bask in it this morning. As my grandmother used to say…”time to get while the gettin’ is good!”

If I am to understand the Accu-Weather forecast, the sun is here for only for a short period of time. I am glad my girls are grabbing the sweet sensation that the warmth of the sun delivers.

The island is still reeling from the torrential downpours; the streets are just now beginning to dry and the ground is saturated to its brim. The landscape crews are arriving for the first time in weeks tending to the aftermath. By now the lizard population is beginning to wake up and I am sure those girls, sitting pretty down there on the deck, are planning their next blitz!

All I can say is….Hallelujah!

Happy Monday!